Acne Treatment On Black Skin

Acne Treatment On Black Skin

Searching for the best acne treatment on black skin? You are in the right place! Acne can affect anybody, both white and black. However, if people with black skin have acne, they might have a few other issues.

If you are of African, Asian, Latino, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Native American descent, you are a person with a skin of colour. Should you have acne, it will be accompanied by dark spots and patches known as hyperpigmentation.

What Causes Acne on Black Skin?

Many factors cause acne outbreaks on black skin as well as white.

Generally, acne happens whenever the sebaceous glands in the skin produce excess sebum or oil. The excess sebum clogs the pores and hair follicles.  

This will lead to the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, nodules, or cysts. The general name is what most people know as acne or pimples. 

Kindly note that not only excess sebum causes acne. Bacteria and unhealthy diets are also causative agents. Here are other things that can cause acne, or increase its frequency.

1. Puberty

 During the stage of puberty, there is always an increase in the levels of testosterone. This will in turn cause excess production of sebum.

 As you know, excess sebum will clog the pores and hair follicles, leading to acne.

2. Genetics

Both of your parents may have genetic components that make you prone to acne. For instance, your father may pass you a hormonal condition that makes you vulnerable. Your mother as well can pass on an inflammatory response to bacteria.

As the resulting offspring, you will have many acne occurrences. Also, if one of your siblings have pimples during their teenage and (or) adult life, you are more likely to develop it. 

3. Hormones

We have already explained how hormones can affect acne in the puberty section.

But just so you know, females are more likely to have adult acne than males. This is because of their constantly changing hormonal levels during menstrual periods and pregnancy.

4. Medications

Some specific medications can stimulate the occurrence of acne. They include steroids, antidepressants, and certain epilepsy medications.

A lot of other medications can also cause acne. The reason why they do so include their reaction with the immune system, if they affect insulin, etc.

5. Smoking

Adults who smoke are more prone to acne. Although there are not many direct links between smoking and acne outbreaks, most people still have reasons to believe that smoking can be a cause of pimples.

In fact, according to a study conducted by the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Italy:

  • 42% of the smokers in the study had acne, compared to 10% of non-smokers.
  • 76% of those with non-inflammatory acne were smokers.
  • 91% of smokers with acne had the non-inflammatory form.
  • Among those with severe non-inflammatory acne, 81% were smokers.

Moreso, Acne inversa (hidradenitis suppurativa) is another skin problem that has been linked to smoking. It’s a serious issue that can leave acne marks and scars. It’s most common in middle-aged women who smoke.

How to Prevent Acne on Black Skin?

  1. Don’t bust, squeeze, press or insert sharp objects into pimples. In fact, don’t touch it at all unless you are applying medication.

Failure to comply will increase the risk of bacteria and fungus infection, while also making it more likely for the acne to leave a scar.

  1. If your acne appears only on your forehead, behind your eyes and the sides of your head, it’s most probably pomade acne.

One of the ways you can prevent this acne is by switching to a water-based hair product. Another thing you can do is to use hair oil only at the ends of the hair and around the centre of your scalp.

  1. Make use of water-based skin cleansers.
  1. Go for skin products that are tagged “noncomedogenic”. This means that the manufacturer is assuring that the product will not clog pores.
  1. Stop using cocoa butter! It can clog pores and cause acne.
  1. Always cleanse your skin gently. You should also make use of mild cleansers and clean towels. You should only pat the skin softly till it dries. Don’t press it hard on your face.
  1. You should regularly wash your caps, hats, helmet, nose masks, handkerchiefs and any other thing that comes in contact with your face. 
  1. Cultivate the habit of washing off your makeup before going to bed.

What Is the Best Acne Treatment for Black Skin? How Do Black Girls Get Rid of Acne Scars?

Medical acne treatment on black skin

Various over-the-counter drugs for acne treatment on black skin are safe. However, you should note that some acne treatments might take months to work.

Also, the suitability of acne treatment can vary based on age, gender, type of skin, the severity of the acne and other factors.

Here are some medical acne treatments for black skin.

Benzoyl Peroxide 

Benzoyl peroxide is a chemical compound that reduces the number of bacteria that causes blackheads and whiteheads to form. That way, your face will have less risk of developing them.

However, some people have the knowledge that benzoyl peroxide can bleach some clothing materials. These people think that if this chemical compound can bleach clothes, how much of the human skin.

But still, be rest assured.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has given assurance that benzoyl peroxide is a safe acne treatment on black skin. Even though it can bleach clothing and bed linen, it cannot bleach human skin.

The AAD advises that people with black skin should start with a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide gel or cream, to be safe while also making sure their skin does not become dry or irritated. 

After cleaning the face, the user should apply the product once or twice a day. You should use it a little for a start to prevent irritation.

Here is one thing to note. People who have used benzoyl peroxide in the past claimed to see improvement only after 6 weeks.

Topical Retinoids

There are many retinoids to choose from. An example is an adapalene 0.1%, which works by removing dead cells from the surface of the skin. This will in turn help to unclog pores and hair follicles.

Retinoids are an effective and safe acne treatment on black skin. They also reduce other acne-related complications like hyperpigmentation.

However, retinoids are not recommended for usage in pregnant people. They are also known to have some side effects. These include irritation and stinging since retinoids increase sensitivity to sunlight.

This means that you should use sunscreen whenever you need to go outdoors after applying retinoids to your face.

You should always use topical retinoids at night, after cleansing the affected area. Also, you should use retinoids with caution and also visit your doctor before starting the acne treatment procedure.

Most people that have used retinoids in the past noticed changes in their acne after 6 weeks of treatment.

Home Remedies for Acne on Black Skin

  1. Tea tree oil helps to kill bacteria on the human face. It reduces your likelihood of having mild acne.

To use tea tree oil, apply a small amount to acne by using a cotton swab. You can also purchase face cleansers and moisturizers that have tea tree oil in their content.

  1. Zinc supplements can also reduce the occurrence and severity of pimples. In an experiment, almost 80 per cent of people that took zinc supplements noticed considerable improvements in their faces.

Better still, you should be cautious of the number of zinc supplements you take.

  1. People with darker skin of colour and oily skin can relieve their acne by using blotting paper. This will not cure the acne, but it will absorb excess oil from the face. This is not a joke or a guess. It was recommended by AAD.

To do this, press a sheet of blotting paper against the face for about two minutes and then throw it into the waste bin.

  1. Some doctors have also reported that taking diets that have a low glycemic index can help to reduce the frequency and severity of acne.
  1. Another safe acne treatment on black skin is the consumption of foods that level out your blood sugar. It will reduce the amount of sebum produced in the body.

Such foods include fresh fruits and vegetables.

  1. Generally, avoiding some foods like white bread, potato chips, fried sausages, bacon, eggs, etc are known to reduce the occurrence and severity of pimples.

Is Salicylic Acid Okay for Acne Treatment on Black Skin?

Salicylic acid is very effective when it comes to unclogging pores and preventing the formation of new acne. The peeling action of this acid can also reduce the effects of melasma.

Many facial products contain salicylic acid. You can find such products at your local pharmacy store as well as on the internet.

The Bottom Line

Any human can have acne and similar facial problems. However, some complications like keloid scarring and hyperpigmentation are more frequent in people with skin of colour.

You should also remember that what works for a friend, colleague or distant relative might not work for you. Each human body has a different immune system.

If over-the-counter acne treatments and home remedies don’t work out, don’t hesitate to see a dermatologist, or any healthcare professional. Do something to relieve that acne on your face. That way, you can look into the mirror anytime and smile.

After all, the best foundation you can wear is glowing and healthy skin.